Give Now

Drop off Cash
Stop in during office hours... cash donations give you the highest tax deduction from your gross income.
Mail a Check
Make checks payable to Whatcom Literacy Council. If you’re donating in honor of someone, please write this information on the memo line of your check. Tax receipts will be mailed within 4 to 6 weeks after the donation has been processed. Mail to:
Whatcom Literacy Council
P.O. Box 1292
Bellingham, WA 98227

Donate Online
Use your credit or debit card... and consider checking the "monthly" box to make it a regular recurring donation that will provide us with a sustainable revenue stream.
$30 donation provides needed learning resources for learners and tutors.
$50 donation supports a learner/tutor pair for 1 month.
$300 donation supports a learner/tutor pair for 6 months.
$600 donation supports a learner/tutor pair for 1 year.
Shop Online at Village Books and Paper Dreams
When you want to shop online at Village Books and Paper Dreams, click the button below first. Then, whenever you make a purchase on their website, they'll donate a portion of your sale to us. This is a great way to support a local merchant and literacy for all!